Steve Fresk is a 35-year seed industry veteran and farmer who believes in the power of curiosity to drive success in agriculture.
Steve Fresk grew up on a family crop and livestock farm near Slayton, Minnesota. After high school, Steve attended the University of Minnesota and received an ag education degree. For thirty-five years Steve worked in the seed industry for DeKalb, Brevant, and Northrup King as a sales manager. Prior to retirement, Steve served as the national sales manager and partial owner of Legend Seeds out of De Smet, South Dakota.
When Steve was fifty years old, he began his second career as a farmer. Today he farms four hundred and fifty acres of corn and soybeans (with some CRP land mixed in). Steve attributes much of his success in both his seed and farming careers to his natural sense of curiosity—the drive to ask questions, understand why different products or practices work or don’t work, and network with other farmers to more fully explore the opportunities available for personal and business growth.